Thrust 4: Public Opinion in the Built Environment (POBE)

Experiencing a significant societal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned that our public spaces vulnerable to health risks. In response, policies using nonpharmaceutical interventions have been implemented to change the way individuals interact with urban infrastructure. In fact, there are more severe societal challenges in the built environment. To improve the resiliency, it is required to develop an innovative approach to redefine the design and operation strategy for urban infrastructure. The HBE lab adopts advanced text mining methods to understand public opinions in the built environment, shaping healthy and safe urban infrastructures against any uncertain events in our society.


Alireza Shamshiri, Steven Tanner McCullough

Selected Publications:

  • J.Y. Park, E. Mistur, D. Kim, Y. Mo & R. Hoefer (2022), Toward human-centric urban infrastructure: Text mining for social media data to identify the public perception of COVID-19 policy in transportation hubs, Sustainable Cities and Society
  • A. Shamshiri, R. Ryu, S. McCullough, & J.Y. Park (2022), ConStory: Automatic story investigator of public perception on the mega urban infrastructure project, ACM Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys)
  • A. Hariharan & J.Y. Park (2021), A flagged or spam? Social media driven public interactions for natural disaster response and recovery, ACM Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys)